Been a little bit

How Have You All Been?

How have you all been? Not sure about the point of Blogger anymore, but it does still have a lovely look to it still. I like testing to see what you can still get out of a blog such as this. I have gone on to do lots of stuff in the miniature world including starting a Twitch, commissions, and an eBay store (sort of). 

It's now 2022 and I have been working very hard on lots of commissions for Blood Bowl from a very cool patron that has an incredible amount of teams that need to be painted. And this has been a true test of my skills and I have had to create not only good-looking teams, but good-looking teams fast. 

One of the biggest things to help me in this journey is learning how to use an airbrush. And as I am still no expert, it has helped me greatly. I even purchased an Iwata airbrush that is like painting with god-like powers. 

Here are some of the minis I've made over the past year or so. I hope to see you all again. If you want to see more of my work, head over to Instagram or Facebook


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