Magie's Miniatures: Site Recommendation #1

I mentioned before that I really want to share all the sites online and anything else I learn along the way and here is the start of that. I will not judge any website as the only ones I will post are incredible ones that I have learned a lot from. I will point out some highlights of what I have seen (some are always updating so always something new). 

Let's start with:

I think my favorite part about sites like these, are the journeys. You can see lots of Maartje (the artist) journey from humble beginnings to incredible painter.  I'm always a huge fan of those that share and she shares so much on every post. I am pretty bad sometimes at documenting all the process and she is not. So you get to read about all the locations of her experimentation and how she applied them.

Here are some of my favorite highlights:

Great Tutorial on a Jungle Base

Another on a Resin Water Base (nice if you really want to see a start on resin)

And I think I am a super paint nerd, because I love talking and reading about paint!

There are many more tutorials and inspirational work and overall a really great site. My only qualm is I want more of it!


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