How to Make Money (and then spend it all on more minis)

How to Make Money

 (and then spend it all on more minis)

One thing I have always been a learning scholar on is the relationship between art, hobbies and money. The separation of identity between those words and what it means to be a PRO at something. In most terms I think when you start to make money from a "hobby" you can gravitate towards defining yourself as a pro. Or maybe not? Is it as simple as selling that crosses that border? A question I have played around with more several decades. I consider myself a pro ILLUSTRATOR and a pro COMIC ARTIST, whether or not I am a pro MINIATURE PAINTER....I think so. But the definition for a miniature painter is a bit more clouded and difficult to narrow down. I have currently, in my two years back painting, sold 2 sets of miniatures. Now mind you, I have not gone out of my way to sell miniatures as I hold them very dear to me and very practical. Practical because I love playing the games too. Even though I have not played a 40k game or an Aos game, and that is laughable but I was so close....and then tragedy (as describe in my former goodbye to Imperium). But I just have to get off my butt and go find some new stomping grounds. But for your consideration here are two groups of miniatures I sold. I hope whomever battles with them enjoys them as much as I enjoyed creating them. 


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