I started very rough with an idea to convert Stormcast into a human Blood Bowl team. I like about 75% of what I've done. I might go back and get some more Stormcast to alter a figure or two...or might start all over and get a whole new color scheme....I'm crazy like that. I used the human team to convert both for the Thunder Hawks and for the Slaanesh Sleazes, so those figures have been well used. I also paid half the cost of the first AOS starter set just to get a set of Stormcast. And that spurred me to want to paint Khorne....which I am slowly doing.

Sir Anthony Barathus, blitzer of the Thunder Hawks.

Sir Bartholmew Burghersh. Blitzer. Thawks media specialist and lady's man. Once used an orc head as a chalice while doing 2 interviews.

Sir Arthur Maximus

Sir Shepard Starfire. Another blitzer for the Thunder Hawks 

Sir Victor Steelborne

Sir Doniven Dragonseed

Sir Peter Firebrand

Sir Daren Dragonseed 

Can't wait to build that ogre....


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