Lord Slaanesh


Have not updated in a bit, my own fault. Lots of fun rolling out at Adepticon I see. Slaanesh has returned and people have waited a long time to see "him" return. That leaves me questioning the follow ups to all this as there were thoughts the "forbidden power" would be, perhaps, a chance to bring back the Tomb Kings, which would be epic. Bringing back Slaanesh is nearly as epic though as people have wanted to see this classic return. My guess of reasoning has a lot to do with marketing and the sexual erotic nature of Slaanesh that perhaps made it difficult for them to green light this, but that is only a guess of mine. A boob or two may have been too much for marketing in the states or other countries perhaps. Not sure, but it is a delight to see it return. In the lore, however, Slaanesh was imprisoned in the realm of the Shadow Elves...so does that mean they will make an appearance also? Here's the prince(cess) of delights:



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